Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year Eve
i dont really feel anything honestly...
spending new year at scotland villa just like going a trip with frens..
more correctly is all frens gather up...and basically just stay at that house...not going out
but still hav sth meaningful and fun to do sumtimes.
The sv turn out to be an internet cafe just like last year...
all the guys open up their laptop...DOTA time! =m= speechless~
What's fun is that they play a game ..which if u lose u will hav to take the punishment
a glass of alcoholic drink with watsoever...salt, pepper, lemon tea, sprite or blah blah blah
n i kena more than 6 times man!!!!!! ish i was kinda drunk for the 1st round but then starting to get used to it ....hehe! yeeppee...
NIte....vivian n dc n apo join us for a while..then go back liao....sad
sv's nite..without vian slping bside me talking for the nite...
o o is slping downstair...
i slp at the same place except without any person this time ...
oyea..nvm i got my laptop n sum good songs acc me ^^
once again..HAPPY NEW YEAR!! =)
Monday, December 6, 2010
The social network - FACEBOOK
One interesting fact is that Jesse who plays Mark Zuckerberg ( the fb founder) he cousin is actually working in the facebook company >,<>
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
This sem is really terrible for me....pray hard not to fail any course please....plz~!! =(
Study, Watch drama, my daily life now.....
My head cant stop thinking JYP audition!!! omg!!!! im crazy i guess!!!
Cant wait for the exam!!!!
Cant wait for the day going back to my home!!!!
Here come a funny pic to laugh with =)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Love is BLIND~
爱情不分男女!!! 请不要带有色眼光看男男或女女的恋爱!
This is a korean drama series called Life is beautiful (인생은 아름다워). Talks about gays' love..I remember a koreans how, the gay thanks the drama writer for writing such drama as this give him the courage to conquer all the difficulties for being a gay...he got the courage face his parents, face the society.
Well, i dont think i m going to watch this drama but i love the song =).
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Halloween 0.o is coming~
Aaaaaahhhh!!!!!!! Happy Halloween >.< XD
Honestly Halloween means nth to matter @ msia or aus ! but is fun to see people celebrate the day~ =) this time , candy also discount~ muahahaha (i dont really like candy though hehe!)
I didnt really see this kind of scene but i saw one of the fren's blog, they saw zombiesssss at BRISbane city?!! omg~!! run!!!!!! =P haha
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 75? haha
Been busy on doing marketing plan these days...honestly i dont really know what actually i need for..but just throw out whatever i can...but one thing for sure is that i somehow feel i know it better compare to science where there are so many name of cell and those scientific term >< looking at the reseach paper i just feel like so sleepy..but research paper for me would be lot easier than least plz dont ask me to look at the satistics and net profit those stuff!! hami ROI, sales revenue, gross sales and blah blah blah @.@
Kind of fed up with my group member ( particularly thomas!) i hate people promise to give me the part at certain time but then until the nxt day i didnt get it, worst still that guy like just disappear!!! walao! not answering the call, msg not on9!!! my head was just thiking should i cover his part then? walao ei!!! angry dao~~~~~~~!!!!! he only pop up until like 3 or 4pm evening!! man i wait for u from 9am morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today he also nearly to let me disappointed ...but ok he actually already disappointed me! again tell me going to send me control & action this morning but no!! end up he didnt really finish the action plan, not even start control!!! luckily he going to do all that by himself...but still im so worried....argggghhhh!!
But i knw! i m going to celebrate after 4pm!!! d date!!! wohoo!!! so went to city to happy...but maybe i should find someone to makan with or what..feel so empty..sigh
went Woolworth bought groceries....accidentally found out BREADTOP!! haha saw it in Melb i knw we got one here but not sure where is it. finally today...wohooooo!!!!!!! breadtop actually is like a breadhistory or bread story nia la...dont knw y m i so excited for.. =,= just happy to see it in Brisbane....( miss many chinese tiam T.T here lesser....not fair!!!)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
射手座是大孩子,天真与善良. 乐观、热情的射手座总是会把自己无忧无虑的欢乐带给周围的人,她们的求知欲很强. 大大咧咧的她们有时会很任 性、放纵自己,这样会使得她们在说出一些伤害别人话的时候都不知道是怎么回事.
他们不喜欢被某件事情或某个人束缚 住,追求自由的,没有压力的感觉。
很多射手座看上去让人们会觉 得很懒,但是其实他们的大脑可没有停下过思考现实的事情。
对于自己本身就不拘小节的射手女来说,只要你没有邋遢到把内裤扔进碗橱里,她还是可以接受的,但是如果她拖你陪她去玩高空弹跳的时候你跪地哭求“娘 子,我怕怕”的话,基本上你就有机会因为无绳高空弹跳记入吉尼斯了,做射手女的另一半,最好要是经得起风浪,扛得起打击,行动力强,并且永远保持乐观积 极,奋勇向前而又不失幽默风趣,笑起来如阳光灿烂的无敌勇者,对于他们来说,懦弱是可耻的。
他们谈恋爱,是一件高难度的事情. 射手对恋人的挑剔,是源于对爱情的挑剔,对丧失自由感的恐惧.
射手座很想爱,却也很怕爱!刚开始他们只是慢慢的付出,谨慎 的爱,好怕自己会受伤。可是在一句一句的爱,一天一天的相处下,射手座把带刺的防备丢掉,开始不顾一切的去爱他们所爱的人.
分手后,他会哭者 去想属于你们俩幸福的回忆,也不想爱的人因为同情而勉强和他一齐。他比谁都希望自己爱的人快乐幸福,却常常忽略了自己,全身都是伤也笑着告诉你,我很好不 用担心。
在所有人看到他的笑容以为他没事,却不知道失恋对射手座有多大伤害,华丽的外表下有一颗脆 弱的需要别人了解和安慰的心。知道嘛?你的一点关心,心思细腻的射手座会记得你对他的好,把自己的爱毫无保留的送给你.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 66
Happy day start with a happy morning breakfast!!! pancake!!! ( eventho i knw it looks kinda like roti canai ==) healty breakfast, carbo, protein, fibre and vitamin! ^^ chef : hippo!
But that was yesterday lai! ^^ Day 66 is today! Monday 11th Oct! exactly one month before exam! ( not really a good day pun la then ) went lecture as usual, as what i expected, Thomas skip marketing tut again....tian a~ marketing plan due on Nxt monday leh!!!!!!
These days keep raining and raining...( hate raining day) what "sui" is that the day i bought fan, tmr start raining d!!! dont even got choice to use it!!!!! i think maybe is i complain too much abt the weather d la..keep shouting hot hot hot == now syok d sun all rain rain rain....Korean Rain is coming!! woohoo!! == siao lang
Went to Coles beli barang~ vily lim recommend d Coles brand roti!! soft n nice!!!! make sandwich!!! lettuce, cheese, honey ham, brown onion and carrot!! healthy leh!! but...after that sudah makan twisties == ....sigh~
Nite : Thinking whether wanna move out frm this house finally got a fren shout : move la! , hippo is planing to move!!!!! please please please!!! let me found a good cheap house!!!!!!!!!!!! please!!
Quote of the day :
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Melbourne Trip
Trip to melbourne ...more than 1 week!!!
NOw im so used to melboune weather! hate weather in queensland!!! hoT hot hot!!!
When i was in melb, in asian groceries shop, i just wanna shout : wth! so cheap!!!!!!!
OMG! things here are lot cheaper than my place!! what's the point i choose QLD then?!!
1st nite arrived in Melb, vily & I went to Pancake LXXXX(cnt rmb the name! >.<), the pancake is expensive yet kinda nice ^^
Cuz that day tu tu ho is mooncake festival~ haha so vily n her housemate, 33 bought mooncake!!! 1 for $ 8 sth...dalam got 2 small mooncake...^^ again...things are cheap if u work can u find a $8 mooncake in Msia?! This mooncake is HK brand d..hehe "Mei Sam" is green tea with red bean, another is 杨枝金露. not bad not bad~ ^^
Nxt day morning sudah makan Nasi lemak~! nice!!!!!! even tho is simple but is nice!! now i still craving for to in msia the stall my mum always buy d...this better ^^Then vily & I simply walked around the city n chinatown~Went to a shopping mall with many outlests : Cotton On ( now i like this brand! but sad to say..tak da thing i like), Puma, Nike....thngs are cheaper there...but both of us hav nth to buy, then went to Crown ( Casino) the guard so swt...tengok the passpord for 5 min more..the other one even said : "plz dont smile" to my sis..why? bcuz when u did not smile passpord photo..I just wanna make sure....=,= alomak~
~City view~ Went 天仁 minum 奶茶, is diff frm brisbane one but still acceptable...and have a light meal~ ^^ this is call light a! bcuz we share d o!! the sauce for the cucumber u knw like what? rojak sauce
Walk to chinatown de mall, suddenly saw fans were waitingfor 签名会...e? what happen? oh~原来周秀娜要来~ a HK "leng mo" = model nia la...but she keluar 写真集..adui~ the poster lagi prettier than her lo...disappointed..somemore ada fans shouted " omg!! u're so pretty!!" =,= dont knw y...vily and 33 ..haha although they hate her but still took pic....we stand at the front ..just in front of her nia! == but i think im the only one who just stand there without a camera in hand. haha! The next day 33 also told us when she was makan-ing , zhou shou na just sat beside her..== ...i dont like her but..why all the bling bling stars always come to melb or sdyney but not BRISBANE!!!!!!!!11 even adelaide pun ada!!!!!!!!!! not fair!!!!!!!!!!!
看够了后,we went to makan KOREAN FOOD!!!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BiBimpap!
KimchiBochingae , kimchi pancake~
-----after that i really cant rmb what i do at what time ad, so i sperate it ^^--------
Food Hunt~~!
1. Sze Chuan restaurant...we 为了吃特地跑到South Yara ( by train~ ) mana tau~ ..closed.== NO choice lo...come back chinatown makan 川府 cuz we thought this is the same as the one in South Yara..but apparently The south yara one is better gua~ i dont really like this one
口水鸡 & 炒四季扁豆 ,麻到。。。。==
水煮鱼,simply just chili oil and with nice fish in it! the one i like the most among these 3.At the end, we cant finish it ^^ sigh~~ maacam perut nak burst liao~! 2 of them still makan makan == geng~ Accidentally at that restaurant i saw Ashley!! haha Ashley frm Brisbane!! I knew she is coming but i didnt contact her or what cuz...sudah see in brisbane now nak jumpa lagi kat Melb kah? == but hahahah we coincidentally met in melb!! melb so big we still met each other!!! walao~~~~ she was so excited hahaah!!
2. Went to Lygcon St. nearby my sis's a all makan street lai... ^^ especially at the nite if u walk thru that street u will feel very horrible cuz every waiters are trying to pull u into their restaurants~ haha We makan ice cream~! sneaker , durian, cookies and green T~Miss maxim nearby disted hostel ~
Talking abt Lygcon St, i have to scold yi xia Warrentho lo! We plan to eat lunch there with his fren mana tau he tak tau come to my hse n he only knw one way to go to that st....== adui~ at the end i think i sort of like lead them to there pulak == We go makan Thai food!!! nice nice!!
3. Also makan another ice cream shop d that is very special but sad tak da pic...cuz they got milk tea flavour~ ^^
4. Went Chapel St nearby Warrentho's house this time! hehe Actuallly i went here already with warrentho one day before i came here with vily and 33 but haiyo i also nth to do ... Oyea, i have to say...warrentho's house really......*speechless* geng than me!! ( u knw la how worst am i...if warrentho geng than me ..then...really.....liao ma ..hehe)
Chapel St is a must-go-street cuz vily say many big big stars come melb will come here d o== ...street full with makan, branded stores and some other kind of stores .....
Then went to her uni~ ^^ warrentho keep saying her uni is better than his =,=
1. Philip Island!!! we went with an tour. the tour guide is really funny lo == and there is a handsome korean guy ( this is vily say d...not me...i dont think he handsome la ==)
A kangaroo or wallabee trying too block our way to swan lake...this is a wild one o...they are everywhere in the forest ==
wallabees again this time we can feed them == all of them look so angry and the size is huge!! == got one really big one sipek funny!
small size wallebee? or is this kangaroo? dont knw just feed!! try to make it stand up mana tau it holding my hand so than it can stand to eat the food ==
After back frm Smith St, we have to back thru a garden to go back so we do sum photoshooting...hehe wu liao a...vily say this place is a tourist spot oh ==