Saturday, April 24, 2010

The 47th post

Ah chuang is fighting!!!!
Ah chuang is fight with the virus!!!! ><
posted in fb said im sick.....actually i dont think that's a good idea...
cuz i scared my sis will see it and tell my mum.....i dont want her to think i cant take care myself.
But...haha still my sis told....(shit!) sigh..
actually the reason i posted i m sick in fb...still have one reason...
i just wanna see...who will comment on it....and ........yeah...someone i wish they have comment dint comment...i wont say anything about that...but i thought..they at least will always see and concern what am i doing...maybe they just dint c the post (i hope). I am sad...i know feel sad with this kind of little thing is stupid, but i feel sad....i know im not a talkative and i know im super bored person...and dont talk much wont attract some1 to notice me.
But..i thought we're good should say best friends...maybe she just leave a comment a simply take care...i will be very happy...but she dint, i feel disappointed.
Another person that i feel shit is M, i hate M!! i hate M!!!!
sigh....whatelse i can blame? blame myself is not good enough to let ppl to like me. ha..

PS. listen to kim tae woo's song doing things is such an enjoy. Thx ajossi.

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