Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hanaro Mart, Sunnybank

It's Thursday, and is to sunnybank, this is my third time...

Thanks to Peh Hua and others. Without you guys leading me the place for the 1st time,
i wont have the guts to come here by myself!

Today mission: go korean shop buy korean ingredient do dokkbogi and other korean foods!

but actually also go others to do chinese things..cuz things usually cheaper here ^^

say bb in Skype with kaka.....then chu fa~!!!

Honestly, i dont really know where is the korean shop i wanna go...and i was kinda lost that time!


but at last i manage to find one ( i search on9 for 2 others but i only go one...the rest...just too lazy la~)

The moment i stepped in Hanaro mart...aiyo...all korean words!! make me so excited!

Sadly...some i cant understand..luckily i know how to read...but dont worry la..

they have a tiny little english word below every product..==

i bought alot of stuff ( kimchi indcluded for sure!) as i expected...haha so heavy to carry alone...

I guess after i come back from Oz, i will be very muscular? hehe
These are just part of it nia o!!!! got lots in the fridge! hehe
Hanaro mart, Zamia st, sunnybank

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