Thursday, April 15, 2010

AGRC1010 test vs FOOD2006

AGRC 1010....omg ...agricultsure?! u want me to study what is the type of rock and soil?!
what is the evalution process?? which one is your point? i just dont get it!!
Well...but i just roughly read through.....and i dont expect it to be hard cuz is a quiz
However..thinking abt last time, SAM...i sure will study at least more concetrate but not like now facing my pc dl-ing my drama >< haha
And the funny thing is dat, during the quiz, we're suppose to look at the slide and ans Qs..
the lecturer accidentally put the slides of the ans....all of us jus laughed till...omg..thanks you so much , sir! >< sadly, i just managed to rmb one or two of the ans.. T.T

FOOD2006.....again...i dont really study...( then when really wil i concentrate study?! me, i also wan to know !)...and yea...i dont really know how to do the Qs...and what makes me feel sad is that what is the main thing that we should know ?? i just dont get it...
Well, since food tech is the thing that i hav to deal with in the rest of my life...
I suppose i hav to rmb and understand every single word then....
pity me

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