Tuesday, March 23, 2010

half price ICE CREAM

ice cream!!!!! yeepee!!!!!!!!!!

actually im not that into ice cream la...hehe

( except yogurt ice cream...or green tea? ( my ex love) ) wakakaak

bought a half price ice cream ..which is a big big one from COLES..($4)...

$4=RM12....cheap? expensive?

tell you what, in brisbane, if u buy ice cream..just a scoop ...is $3!!! and i spent only $1 more and get the whole ...tank? hehe of the ice cream!!!

but..i dunno why, i alywas eat it at night...== and i finished it in 2 days...

HORRIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ice cream with its owner..^^
Top view...

swear to myself, wont buy any ice cream again....

but..haha if stil half price...em...mayb i will think about it....


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