Saturday, March 27, 2010

Heavenly Forest/Tada , kimiwo, aishiteru (2006)

the 1st time i watched a japanese movie...besides death note..
out of curiousity, i found a good movie.

Heavenly forest, leading my actor hiroshi tamaki and actress aoi miyazaki ( the girl in virgin snow) In case for those who dont know virgin snow, it's a movie...which i know it because of lee junki...

Heavenly forest, a romance movie, but, is not a sad one. At least not for me.
Eventhough the girl die at the end, but somehow i feel she is still some where in the world..

I dont knw how to describe how good is this just because the feeling..feel calm..
And the ending song is kinda great too..
Tada, kimiwo aishiter...~

here is a video of the movie...the song is not the one in the movie,
but still not a bad one....n_n
enjoy, my friends.

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