Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 5

Hi Hi, today is Saturday! ><
omg!!!! im so sad!!! why? oh, cuz today is amazing G race activity organise by CCM group.
I knw..i dont like it that much...but im trying to make myself be more active...

Amazing G-race is really a R-A-C-E! we ran and ran n ran so many different stations!
Southbank, toowong, Achenflower and St lucia..but we missed out one...sad...fortitude valley.
I ran...but now only know that i cant RUN...i feel sad...i always the last one running at the back.
eventhough my leg is not pain, i can ensure you i will still be the last one..SOB T.T
Back to the topic...along the way, we played games when we reached a station...

answer the questions and finish the task that we hav to do...
we're like SIAO LANG! ran and ran n ran!!
However, is pretty fun la...and got pizza to eat. sigh...met many new people...( i dare not use the word friend)...but still ok la..i dont feel down or sad.. but once again i realize how bad am i in mingling with people
Here are some pixs...i would like to share

Dont try to find me in this pic la..haha i just like the background..southbank wheel!

groud photo, as they say, Judah 3


  1. hmm~ nxt time pls stand in front laa!! NOE U LIKE TO BE BACKGROUND..but u r not suitable..^^

  2. lol...but can u see me meh? in the second photo? haha
