Monday, February 22, 2010

Getting Started Session

Today, early in the morning, my dad left, back to Malaysia. I was surprisingly sad, felt like crying. I thought I can live in any place besides Malaysia happily, I will meet lots of friends here just like what how I did in Malaysia. I regret to come to Australia study alone even though people are really friendly here, maybe that just because I’m shy. Hope it will be better.
waiting for the airtrain to the city.... another sunny day.

After sending my dad to airport, I quickly came back to city to seek help with my mobile as it still can’t access Internet. Haha, but I was lost in the city! Walked out from the Central Railway Station, I thought I know the way to 3 mobile shop ( which I juz went there with my dad yesterday!) . I round and round in the city, ask and ask people, finally get there to solve my problem. Then I catch a 412 bus back to St Lucia, and tidy up my unpacked stuffs.

Wao! It’s 1030am! My getting started session is at11am!!!Oh NO!!! The worst is I don’t know where is Goddard Building!! ( UQ is really big you know~) Luckily I met a girl from Norway, Johannes, she is heading the same place, without her, maybe I won’t know the way and surely will miss the session!

Getting started session is for new students in UQ. The UQ staff there, Marry( if I’m not mistaken) is kinda funny. She actually somewhat comfort me ….( I mean I was sad that time as my dad already left, u know.) She brief us about when and where is our orientation will be held at…how to get a go card, life in Brisbane, how go to GOLD COAST and tones of information!

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