Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hundred miles accomplished!!!!

OMG!!!! guys!!! after the gruelling penang bridge marathon on 2008, this is the first time i walked for so long!!! (but of course, in the marathon i ran...not walk! muahaahha)
I walked from brisbane street ( which is my house) to Campbell street ( to QU books!)!!!
How long is it??? is just like from my house ( for those who dont know, seberang jaya ^^) to em...jasco?? Im not exaggerating!!! Luckily today is a windy day...or else, oh my...i dont know am i gonna walk so far...somemore carry those thick and hardcover textbooks!!!
Some might wonder why i dont i just take a bus??
haha...actually i walked purposely, because i felt gulity after eating the big pack of chips. It's yummy and kinda cheap anyway! hehe.....
So, i guess...the walk to QU books and back....hopefully will at least burn half of the calories obtained from the stupid chips! ISH~~!

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