Sunday, February 28, 2010

St Lucia to & back Toowong?

Today, we walk, I walk AGAIN!!! after the exhausting journey to QU BOOKS!!! my muscle is still screaming in pain!! gosh! i should vonlunteer to go when i just want to buy a 2L milk which i can buy it at the g!rocery shop nearby!! argh....!

Eaman suggested us to walk to TOOWONG from our house ^^ ( lose weight time! muahahah)
Thanks Eaman for you generousness....let me to wear you shoes, so that i dont have to go the back door to find my slipers....and the shoes are cute ^^

Bt, it's new...T_T you know what happen when you wear a new shoes , dont you?
SOB!!!! my poor leg!!!!! tuo pi ( how do u say it in english a? tell me please ^^)
my leg TUo PI!!! and i walk from st lucia to toowong and back again? WTH!!!
U know how pain is it??!!! and we have to carry so much stuff till we need call for another friend live nearby to help! (btw, thanks for her help, sincerely! ^^)

Oyea, today, we did sth bad...haha, we pushed the trolley from Coles in Toowong village up to St Lucia! ( we were actually planning to push to the front door of our house !!! but thanks to the stupid car drive!) when we passed by the bus stop, everybody was starring at us...god..==

OYea, the car driver!!! oMG! i know we're doing sth bad...(yea, we're not suppose to...anyway)
But, can u imagine how 3 small size girls carry so many things??!!
COME U! next time before you HORN us! please, think about our pity situation here!!!
or at least offer some HELP ? since you''re so obedient to the RULES! you must be a good guy!


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